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lakeview east recap

artist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogartist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogartist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogWe spent the weekend at the 10th annual Lakeview East Festival of the Arts – thank you so very much to everyone who came to the fair, to those who gave my art a new home and to those who sent an encouraging note from afar. It is so appreciated. My heart is full and I am so grateful for all my friends, family, followers and supporters!

If you’re reading this after seeing my booth at the fest, hello I’m so happy you’re here! Please feel free to order from my Etsy shop, and I’m also available for custom paintings or local pick up so just shoot me an email or comment below if you’re interested.artist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogartist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogartist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogI did over 55 transactions throughout the weekend. Over half of my paintings were purchased including my second largest piece to date a 36×36 three panel abstract painting named Blues Fest. It was great to see all the Love You So and Be Sharp paintings go so quickly on Saturday. I am also happy to report that my new favorite and most recent painting Mountains sold on Sunday. Other items that were a big hit were the 12×24 city paintings – I had Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC.

artist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogartist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogIt was really nice to have so many friends and family visit and keep me company. I especially want to thank everyone who pitched in to help this weekend. These fairs are definitely a team effort! Sunday night we broke down my booth, packed up and went out for a celebratory dinner. I was exhausted, but so happy!

artist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogartist kate zitzer lakeview east festival of the arts | palettes and passports blogArt festival season is over now until next spring when we will do it all over again. Art fairs take up a lot of time, money and effort but I really think it’s worth it to take advantage of the opportunity to get out there and show my art. I am still recovering from the long weekend but I’m slowly starting to clean up, get organized and take photos of my new pieces. There will be a big shop update soon and more to come in a few weeks on the ARTober custom artwork sale.

photo credit kate zitzer

chicago’s lakeview east festival of the arts this weekend

lakeview east festival of the arts this weekend | palettes and passports blogLakeview East Festival of the Arts is here this weekend, Saturday, September 13th from 10-6 through Sunday, September 14th from 10-5 along Broadway between Belmont and Hawthorne. Check out all the fest details here! I’m booth 90 so stop by and say hello! I will have – Chicago inspired art, Home, Happy Hour and Beachside paintings and prints, abstract paintings in a variety of sizes, nursery art and several city paintings including New York City, Washington DC, San Francisco and Seattle.

We’ve been busy all week with show prep which means lots of painting, printing and packaging over here. For anyone who can’t come to the fest, I’ll be listing new items online soon. I’ll also be posting photos over on Instagram if you want to see more/follow along. Hope to see you there!

wells street art festival recap

kate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogkate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogkate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogkate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogA big thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who came by Wells Street Art Festival and to all of you who made a purchase at my booth. As usual, I was completely blown away by the response. Your enthusiasm for my art means the world to me, and I truly appreciate your support! If you’re reading this after seeing my booth at the fest, hello I’m so happy you’re here! Please feel free to order from my Esty shop, and I am available for custom paintings or local pick up so just email me.

kate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogkate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogkate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogLeading up to the fest I felt really good and less stressed out than I usually do. I did over 40 transactions throughout the weekend. Be Sharp paintings sold out and almost half of my paintings were purchased. I am also happy to report that my favorite and most recent painting Whole World sold. The other items that were a big hit were the Home prints and the 12×24 city paintings – I had Chicago, New York, San Francisco and Washington DC. Thanks again to everyone who stopped by and for all the kind words about my art! Throughout the weekend I was battling a pretty serious viral infection so I especially want to thank all my friends and family who pitched in to help!

kate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blog kate zizter wells street art fest | palettes and passports blogI spent most of last week catching up on emails and online orders. This week I plan to start working on a few custom orders and slowly building back up my inventory of paintings for the next fair – September 13th and 14th I’m participating in the Lakeview East Festival of the Arts. It’s an excellent arts fair celebrating its 10th year and a great showcase of all the local Chicago artists. Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for more updates!

photo credit kate zitzer 

wells street art festival reminder

kate zitzer love you so paintings | palettes and passports blogkate zitzer art | palettes and passports blogHappy Friday! Just a reminder that the Wells Street Art Festival is this weekend. Please stop by to see my work in person (55+ original paintings and dozens of prints) plus several other amazing artists, listen to some live music, eat delicious food, drink a little wine and say hello.

This week has been wildly busy. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen a few photos of my studio as I prepare for this weekend. I participated in the fest last year and had such a great time that I couldn’t wait to apply again this year. I’ve been preparing for it since January – sketching, painting, ordering supplies, packaging prints, signing, framing and photographing all of my artwork.

The Wells Street Art Festival is located along Wells Street between North Avenue and Division, starts at 10:00 am and closes at dusk. I’m booth 301. Please come check it out!

chicago’s wells street art festival this weekend

chicago’s wells street art festival this weekend | palettes and passports blogThis Saturday and Sunday I’ll be selling my artwork at the Wells Street Art Festival in Chicago’s Old Town neighborhood. I’ll have all sorts of original art ranging in size from 8×10 to 36×48 inches, a limited number of high quality prints plus a few one of a kind paintings! This week we have a long list of to-do’s. I’m getting everything organized, prepped, printed and packaged and Marc is working on my booth setup. I’m also working hard to finish up a few more paintings. I’ll be bringing 50+ original pieces to the fest this weekend. Last week I picked up a big batch of prints from the printmaker and they look great!

The Wells Street Art Festival is on Wells Street between North Avenue and Division. The fest starts at 10:00 am and closes at dusk. I’m booth 301 (same spot as last year) so stop by and say hello! I’ll also be posting photos over here if you want to see more/follow along. So if you’re around, I’d love to see you there – and for anyone who can’t come I will have new items listed online soon. Check out all the fest details here! Later this summer I’ll be participating in the Lakeview East Festival of the Arts on September 13th and 14th so please mark your calendars and stay tuned.

photo credit kate zitzer